Orlando City Lake Nona Invitational 2026
February 20-22 2026
Only teams who request it (and some local teams) will play on Friday, 2/20.
We are delighted to welcome everyone to the Orlando City - Lake Nona Invitational. This tournament brings together some of the best competition from various clubs across the country. Concessions will be open and we'll have plenty of staff, trainers and volunteers on site to direct traffic and answer any questions.
- U13-U19 - $995
- U12 (2013) - PLAYING 11v11 - $925
- U11-U12 - $875
- U8-U10 - $775
Deadline to register: February 1, 2026
Deadline for payment: February 15, 2026
All teams guaranteed 3 games minimum.
- U16 (2010) and UP will play "showcase style" event, only 3 games, no playoff. 1st and 2nd place will be awarded trophies and medals based on standings.
- U9 (2017) - U15 (2011) will have finals with awards
- U8 (2018) will be "Jamboree" style event, only 3 games, no playoff. 1st and 2nd place will be awarded trophies and medals based on standings.
If you have any questions, please call or text or email us. 407-349-7141
The Invitational is open to all domestic and international teams (USYS, US Club Soccer, AYSO, USSSA, etc).
Flexible check in and roster verification options available
Orlando City Lake Nona Soccer School works closely with Pellucid Travel to source the best hotels and contract with a variety of hotels to fit all accommodation needs. Pellucid Travel requests to work with a wide variety of lodging partners in order to secure excellent rates for all of our teams.
All Orlando City Lake Nona's events have a Stay to Play policy for all attendees/groups in need of hotels. This is in order to ensure that the hotels, cities, and counties are assured that the discounts they offer are used.
Pellucid Travel works closely with our lodging partners to track team reservations, work to make sure that there are enough rooms, and secure excellent rates for all teams attending each event. They are committed to working with tournaments around the world to provide a high-quality travel and lodging experience that fits the individual needs of each team attending.
Hotel booking link to be announced when registration opens
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Pellucid Travel at Linda@PellucidTravel.com.
Rob Morton
Tournament Director
Erik Hort
Club Director